Morning Update is building audience of dedicated readers
Rise and shine! The Morning Update has become a popular item for readers in Cullman, Ala., who look to this early morning report for top news of the day.
MOREOpen the Room project helps journalists and citizens broadcast on Facebook Live
This emerging technology will allow newspapers to cover more local meetings and events – even local sports – with better than acceptable video and audio quality at a much lower cost.
MOREFOIA Machine would break logjam for public records
In addition to helping automate the process of making and tracking requests for public records, FOIA Machine will also create a community of users to share expert tips and strategies.
MOREThumbs Up in Bay City
Variation on letters to the editor are just the latest change for Texas semi-weekly.
MOREPutting people in the paper
When The Greeneville Sun published its "Around the Clock" special section last year, it not only made money but readers and advertisers asked for more. The paper obliged.
General Manager John Cash describes the section as featuring "ordinary people doing everyday things." That's all it is: photos of people taken over the course of a day. Only now it's a quarterly special section called "Around the Town."
"I think what people really liked is these are people who would never get their picture in the paper, probably," Cash said. "These are just every day, normal folks, doing whatever they do at work and during all hours of the day and night."
MOREThe Washington Post debuts PostTV Web show
Personality-based segments are giving Washington viewers a look at the politics of politics, in a fun way – in a new PostTV Web show.
MOREAutomatically check your emails for AP style
With AP StyleGuard for Outlook, you'll have a powerful yet easy solution that integrates with Microsoft Outlook and provides automatic checking of your emails for AP style.