Motivating and communicating

Executive demeanor


The way we walk, talk, dress, drive a car, and just everything else we do expresses who we are and who we think we are.  Oftentimes, this is referred to as "executive presence." 

Understand that when what we say in words conflicts with what our body language is saying, our body language is more credible.  Who we think we are manifests itself in the way we project ourselves and that's how others are judging us and thereby treating us.

Employees respond best to those they respect and respect leaders who they perceive respect themselves and display respect to them.  Each of us is the sum total of all our experiences and we will not be the same person tomorrow that we are today.

Although it may not be noticeable from day-to-day, we will be a little more positive or negative tomorrow than we are today.  That's why we need to continually work at maintaining control of who we are and what we do.  Our executive demeanor is being affected by how we think of ourselves.   

Jules Ciotta is president of Motivation Communications Associates. He can be reached at (770) 457-4100 or

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