An SNPA convention highlight

What's working, what isn't and what inspires newspaper publishers


Dolph Tillotson of Southern Newspapers, Inc., says newspapers need to learn how to make some noise and get their staffs fired up!  VIEW THIS VIDEO
Success stories at SNPA's first Town Hall program ranged from reporters' monthly page view goals to all-access subscription models to lifestyle magazines.  Led by President-Elect Tom Silvestri of the Richmond (Va.) Times-Dispatch, this session at the News Industry Summit also had publishers relaying their concerns, many of which focused on advertising dollars.

As Silvestri opened the Monday morning general session at the News Industry Summit, he asked his fellow SNPA members to share:

  • What's working well?  What are you proud of?
  • What keeps you up at night?
  • What inspires you?

View the full-length video, plus additional videos from the News Industry Summit at the links below:

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