Motivating and communicating

Are you a winner?


Winners develop the habit of doing the things that losers don't like to do.

We first make our habits, and then our habits make us.

The basic habit patterns of a winner:

  1. Don't condemn, criticize, or complain ... think of ways to improve the situation. The big rewards are paid for finding the solution, not the difficulty.
  2. Show real honest, and hearty appreciation ... let others know they're loved.
  3. Think good thoughts about other people ... and yourself.
  4. Give before you get. Always give others a reason to agree with you before asking anything of them. (If there were a way that YOU ... )
  5. Smile often ... it generates enthusiasm, friendliness and goodwill.
  6. Remember names. A person's name is the sweetest, most important sound he hears and instantly captures his attention each time it is used.
  7. Be an effective communicator by listening. Encourage others to talk about themselves by asking questions. (When, Where, Who, What, How, WHY?)
  8. Think, act, and look happy and successful ... and you will begin to think, feel and actually become HAPPY and SUCCESSFUL.
  9. Never engage in worry conversations or participate in gossip sessions.
  10. Always greet others with a positive, cheerful statement ... not the question, "How are you?"
  11. Respond to another's question, "How are you?" with an enthusiastic, meaningful "TERRIFIC!"
  12. Look for and expect GOOD things to happen to you ... inquire of others: "What GOOD things are happening with you today?" 

Jules Ciotta is president of Motivation Communications Associates. He can be reached at (770) 457-4100 or

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