2018 SNPA Salary Survey

Explanations and instructions

No cost to SNPA members if submitted by May 18


During the first week of June, the survey results will be sent electronically (in a searchable PDF format) to the publisher or other key executive of participating newspapers. There is no cost for electronic copies. If you would prefer to receive a printed, hard copy in the mail, there will be a cost of $75 per copy.

PAY PERIOD TO REPORT: When reporting salary data for this survey, please use a pay period in the first half of January 2018.

THREE PHASES OF SURVEY: This survey is divided into three parts: (1) introductory questions, (2) salaries of department heads and supervisors and (3) salaries and wages of non-supervisory employees.

BONUSES AND COMMISSIONS: Do not include bonuses and/or commissions as part of salaries. Report bonuses and commissions separately in the column headed "Annual Bonuses and Commissions." Information about average bonuses and commissions should be based on the prior year's earnings. Do not include pay of part-time employees in this survey – except in the one section about non-supervisory production/maintenance staff, which asks for HOURLY WAGES of full-time AND part-time employees.

OVERTIME WAGES: DO NOT include overtime in wages unless overtime is guaranteed.

JOB DESCRIPTIONS: Job descriptions for each position included in this survey are provided in this questionnaire. If the described positions reasonably correspond to the appropriate position at your newspaper(s), please report the salary paid. If the function is considerably different, do not report the salary even if the title is the same.

LIST EACH POSITION ONLY ONCE: Please record each staffer's position in this survey ONLY ONCE. If this person's responsibilities include multiple job categories, record the person's salary ONLY in the position that occupies more than 80 percent of his/her time.

SALARIES OF PUBLISHERS: In reporting the salaries of newspaper publishers, give the base salary only. Do not include additional compensation that is tied to profits, etc.

In the first column of the section seeking information about department heads and supervisors, participants are asked to state the number of people employed in the position. Only include full-time staffers.

OWNERSHIP: If any position is filled by the owner of a newspaper, a relative of the owner, or a major company stockholder, do not list the salary. Mark the space "N/A."

In reporting pay data, list only those salaries now being paid. If your newspaper employs more than one person for a given position, list the lowest, highest and average salaries actually being paid. If your newspaper employs only one person for a given position, list that person's present salary in the column labeled average annual salary.

HOURLY WAGES: Wages for Production/Maintenance Department non-supervisory personnel is the only section that should be recorded in hourly, rather than annual, rates. Since you are being asked for HOURLY wages, please record information about full-time and part-time employees.

Any questions about the salary survey should be addressed to Cindy Durham in the SNPA office: (404) 256-0444 or cindy@snpa.org.

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