The spirit of SNPA: fostering friendships and the sharing of ideas


The spirit of SNPA – since its founding in 1903 – has fostered an atmosphere where friendships flourish, valuable information and experiences are freely shared and help is volunteered, even by earnest competitors.
The late Joe D. Smith Jr., former publisher of the Alexandria (La.) Daily Town Talk, was one of a number of SNPA leaders who shared remembrances as part of a film produced in 1978 in celebration of SNPA's 75th anniversary. Smith served as president of SNPA in 1970-71.

Asked to list the association's greatest accomplishment, he cited many of the attributes that remain true today:

"SNPA has provided the framework and mechanism for the sharing of innovative ideas, for the exertion of effective cooperation, for the lifting of ambitions and standards, for the shared development of improved management, equipment and systems, and for the continuing education and inspiration of its members."

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