Reader's Corner

Why the Sunday print edition still reigns supreme for publishers


Sean Stroh, a Millennial who works for Editor & Publisher, writes: "It's Sunday morning, and I'm getting ready to read the news, but I'm not picking up my cell phone or booting up my laptop. I'm picking up my hefty 100-plus page Sunday edition of my local newspaper.

"As someone you would consider a millennial, you might find it hard to believe that's how I choose to spend my Sunday mornings. Of course, since we no longer have to wait for the news of the world to come solely from the pages of a newspaper, and consequently, we seem to be busier than ever before, why spend what precious time we have with them?

"Though I was never able to witness the golden age of newspapers, I can now attest to something else that still remains quite special – the Sunday newspaper experience."

Read more from Editor & Publisher.

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Reader's Corner, Millennials, value of newspaper
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