Post and Courier launches subscriber Facebook group, offering more perks for readers


The Post and Courier (Charleston, S.C.) has launched a new Facebook group exclusively for its subscribers – or what the paper calls its Insiders.

As part of the Insiders program, The Post and Courier offers several perks for paying readers in addition to unlimited access to high-quality local and statewide journalism. Joining the Facebook group ensures that readers are aware of all the perks, such as free reader appreciation events. 

Here are some of the things members can do in the group:

  • Talk directly with journalists and ask questions about the paper's journalism.
  • Submit news tips.
  • Find out about subscriber appreciation events.
  • Get customer service help.
  • Connect with fellow readers who are highly engaged in South Carolina's news cycle.
  • See exclusive content the paper's journalists only post in the group.
  • Get discounted tickets to special events around town.

The group is equipped with Post and Courier employees from the newsroom to customer service to marketing to ensure that all subscribers' needs are served.

You can find the group by searching "Post and Courier Subscribers" on Facebook or by visiting this link: When readers request to join, they are asked to provide their name, email address and city of residence. This lets the paper verify that they are indeed a subscriber.

Don't subscribe but want to join the conversation? Different subscription offers are described here:

Charleston, Facebook, subscriber incentives
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