RJI Futures Lab update #146

Facebook video from Vox.com and an audio connection for teams


Part 1: Vox.com's Facebook video

A video commentary about Donald Trump featuring Vox.com's editor Ezra Klein racked up more than 38 million views and half a million shares on Facebook in less than six weeks. We find out from team members at Vox.com how that successful example fits into a larger strategy that looks outside traditional metrics to figure out what kind of video works – or doesn't – on individual platforms. 

Part 2: Onyx by Orion Labs

A San Francisco-based startup has created a clip-on, real-time voice communication device that might help teams of journalists converse with each other more easily. We sat down with Jesse Robbins, founder and CEO of Orion Labs, to find out where the technology is headed. 

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Futures Lab, Facebook, video, Onyx
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