WashPost Opinions launches new longform journalism initiative


On Sunday, The Washington Post launched The Opinions Essay, a new longform storytelling initiative from the Opinions section that will publish regularly online and in print. Featuring engaging graphics, extensive analysis and unique insights, the essays will allow readers to go in-depth on a range of topics including politics, foreign policy, health and more.

"We have an incredibly talented staff of writers, and I'm pleased that we will be able to provide them the space to fully capture important issues and share compelling insights," said Editorial Page Editor Fred Hiatt. "I think readers will find themselves both entertained and enlightened."

For the first installment, Post Opinions Columnist and historian Robert Kagan wrote an original and important essay on the ideological challenge from authoritarian regimes that are endangering a liberal democratic world. The roughly 10,000-word piece was published with an intricate online display in addition to a four-page, print supplement in The Post's Sunday paper.

On Wednesday, March 20, at 9 a.m. EDT, The Washington Post Live will host "The Opinions Forum" to further highlight the issues in the essay, bringing together influential foreign policy leaders to address the breakdown of global alliances, the rise of nationalism, and the ever-growing threat to democracy.

editorial page, Washington
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