Sales staff more than doubles revenue goal with parent magazine
Lakelands Parent is the newest addition to The Index-Journal's product mix in Greenwood, S.C.
Bill Cranford, the paper's new advertising director, says his staff more than doubled the original revenue goal set for this 40-page magazine. Sales incentives for his team included cash and gift certificates. In addition, the leading sales rep won tickets to the Masters Golf Tournament.
Content was provided by local contributing writers, who worked with one of the paper's dedicated feature writers. Together, Cranford said they created a very informative magazine that is distributed full run in the newspaper. Lakelands Parent also is distributed at dozens of other locations around the city.
Cranford said, "We refurbished racks by simply putting a sticker with the Lakelands Parent logo on them. We identified where our newspaper rack sales are the highest and positioned these refurbished free racks close to them."
"The idea," he said, "was to do this magazine twice a year. But due to overwhelming advertiser and reader response, we are moving this to a quarterly product, perhaps monthly later."