SNPA columnist is co-author of writing book
A 2019 third edition of "The Writer's Toolbox: Blueprints for Successful Communicators" is now available to help journalists improve their craft. Longtime SNPA columnist Randy Hines, a University of North Georgia professor, is co-author of the book, published by Kendall Hunt.
The 248-page paperback covers the entire range of writing, from the fundamentals to specific topics. Chapters focus on basics of composing and developing various leads, then zero in on writing for print, social and electronic media. Other specific chapters deal with features, speeches, business, advertising, integrated marketing communications and campaigns. A separate chapter is devoted to stylebooks, including the many specialized and international versions.
"Every newsroom should keep a copy or two of 'The Writer's Toolbox' on reserve," Hines suggests. "It could be required reading for interns and new hires, since many of them often come from a nonjournalism background." Research indicates that those hiring strategic communicators value writing as the number one desired skill in any level of new employee.
Geared for both professionals and students, the book has been adopted for a variety of courses: newswriting, media writing, business communication, public relations, etc. More details are available from Kendall Hunt at It's available as both a print or online version.