Digital story formats that add context and history
This week we explore a publishing platform that integrates story components in a unique way, and a startup that organizes news reports around historical context.
MOREInvestigating rumors with TwitterTrails and scraping Web data without code
This week we see how TwitterTrails evaluates the credibility of a rumor spreading in social media, and we learn how new tools are making it easier to extract data from websites.
MOREGathering visual content via Stringr and YuVue
This week we explore two tools that help newsrooms get photos and video from outside contributors.
MOREVideo tools Multipop and Bcast
This week we explore an online tool for adding interactivity to video, and learn about another platform for streaming live video from smartphones.
MOREFrom smartphone to control room, and graphics in small places
This week we check out a tool that turns smartphones into mini satellite-TV trucks, and we get tips on creating a team to do graphics and data visualization.
MOREUsing push notifications and message encryption tools
This week we offer smart ways to alert mobile readers to new stories, and we highlight two encryption tools that can help reporters protect confidential sources.
MOREApps for collaborative mobile video and a follow-up button for Web stories
This week we see how several mobile apps are making it easier to piece together video footage from multiple contributors, and we learn about a tool for publishers that helps website readers follow ongoing stories.
MOREIdeas for resurfacing archived audio
This week we explore two examples of how archived audio content is being brought back to life.
MOREChoosing a crowdfunding platform, and seeing what people near you are reading
This week we look at three crowdfunding platforms to help you decide which to use; then we see how an app called Shuffle gives users stories the people around them are reading.
MORETurning data into a human experience
This week we see how virtual reality might enable users to take a 3-D journey into the heart of big data sets, and we find out how data visualizations can be made more human.